jarak antara kita masih rahsia

jarak antara kita masih rahsia

Wednesday 11 September 2013

again.! write during late at night..!

silent night..all my friends are sleeping right now..
so quiet..
just me..sitting alone in the dark of my tiny little room..
i only get the source of light from my lappy.. 
what I'm doing..?
i just cant sleep...all of this thinking really bother me..
it makes me keep awake for the whole night just like yesterday..

then..i search the youtube..
from mat luthfi's video until i found this video...



the title looks scary to me for the first time..
but then i read the description..it is a short movie to give awareness especially for the girls..

as a girls..or women..we can give our 100 % of heart to a person or guy that we really love..
but giving your heart doesn't mean you also have to give everything to your lover..
once you lost your virginity..you lost your pride as a girl or women..

noted to myself too..
whatever it is..family is priority..
just put your family in the 1st place..put aside your sweetheart..hubby..boo..darling..honey..
and you'll find something true..
something wise..
something that can make you cry and then smile...
something that you call love..
love between you and your family..

i love myself..i love my family..insyaAllah for eternity..
as my love for a guy..
i'll think that later..cuz' right now,,it doesn't matter...
i will find something better in the future...

I will...I always will...
as long as i believe in my own faith..
that faith will help me to go on and on...
once i start my journey..it will never end..
because i will never stop..


  "percaya pada diri..teguhkan tekad dalam hati..cabaran hidup harus diatasi.."

-Ati Hinata-

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